隨著口腔植體技術的進步,植體贗復已逐漸廣為牙醫師及病患接受,成為贗復治療的新選擇。由於此技術乃根基於骨整合之概念,所以骨組織之變化將直接影響植體的成功與否。現今廣為接受評估植體的成功率之相關因素中,齒槽骨的年流失量極為重要。傳統偵測齒槽骨流失量的方法乃利用牙科根尖 X 光片來比較不同時間齒槽骨的高度差異;但此方法常因每次照射的角度無法重覆而有影像差異,遂失去其比較之準確性。為改善此臨床長期追蹤比較的問題,吾等遂利用手術導引板加以修改使能將 X光片平行照射器之導引桿、植體部位及牙科根尖 X 光片三者的相對關係精確定位,再配合Digora 攝影軟體使影像數據化並校正每次攝影形變率以減少臨床比較上之困難。 患者定期回診時的X光攝影檢查是不可或缺的,如何以其他輔助的裝置來加強其精確性及可靠度是我們努力追求的目標;對於問題的早期發現將可提高口腔植體的成功率。; Implant dentistry bas been under laborious investigation for the past few decades. The long-term success rate has been proven to be a viable treatment modality for most of the edentulous cases (completely edentulous, partially edentulous, or single tooth replacement). Not until the 80’s, did dental school in the United States started to incorporate this implant dentistry into the formal curricula. From then on, researches on implant started to bloom. In 1972, the NIH proposed criteria for evaluating the success of dental implant, which allowed a 1 mm mobility of implant after osseointegration. However, in 1982 Toronto conference, Albrektsson et al. proposed a stricter criteria that allow no movement at all for osseointegrated implant and also stated that only 1 mm of crestal bone loss allowed in the 1st year after surgery thereafter only a 0.1 mm annual bone loss is allowed this is the criterion that most clinician and researchers follow nowadays. In reality, the major gap is how we can evaluate the annual resorption by way of radiography without a reference standard. It is thus our goal for this project to develop a custom-made periapical film holder for individual patient. We can use this custom holder and reposition it reproducibly in the same position to collect the annual resorption data through the Digora digital imaging system compared to the conventional radiography. With this approach we established a better way for the research in this field.