p53表現碼72之多形性與癌症之間的關係已廣被研討。在表現碼72的一個鹼基由G(guanine)變為C(cytosine)時,便把該碼氨基酸由精氨酸(arginine)變成脯氨酸(proline)。精氨酸(arginine)型表現在以往的研究中,曾被視為致癌之危險因子。然而,近年來在台灣的研究則發現脯氨酸(proline)形常見於肺、肝及膀胱惡性腫瘤。為了解重度轉移(far-advanced)接受化學治療之肺癌病人的p53表現碼72之多形性的分佈情形,我們收集了47位病患進入本實驗。我們發現肺癌病人和正常對照組的多形性分佈有明顯不同,脯氨酸同合子(homozygotes)型較常見於重度肺癌病患,Chi-squared test之p值<0.001。將肺癌病人依化療結果分為反應和不反應兩組,脯氨酸型對化療有反應者佔25%,不反應者佔35.48%;精氨酸型則分別為18.75%和16.21%,以Fisher's exact test做分析,則未見其多形性分佈有明顯差異性(p=0.776)。若依男女分組,探討化療抗藥與p53表現碼72的多形性分佈的關係,男性及女性組均未見明顯差異(p值分別為1及0.777)。我們的數據支持p53表現碼72以脯氨酸同合子型出現時與台灣的重度轉移形肺癌(far-advanced)有密切關係,但與化療抗藥性未必有關。; Polymorphism of p53 codon 72 was extensively studied to determine the risk factors responsible for cancer formation. A single base change from G to C caused the alteration of amino acid residue 72 from arginine to proline. Arginine form is considered to be a significant risk factor in the development of cancer. However, proline form homozygotes has highly associated with cancer formation or tumor invasiveness in Taiwanese patients with lung, hepatocellular and bladder cancers. To resolve the undefined distribution of this polymorphism in patients with far-advanced lung cancers who received chemotherapy, 47 patients were enrolled into this study. There were significant differences between the control subjects and lung cancer patients by Chi-squared test (p<0.001) in the distribution of polymorphism. Proline form homozygotes were more frequently found in the far-advanced cancer group than the normal group. Fisher’s exact test did not found significant difference in the cancer group subdivided into response and non-response (p=0.776). This result is compatible with reported hepatocellular carcinoma that showed history of chronic liver disease and proline form homozygotes in a report by Yu et al. Our data suggest that proline form homozygotes is associated with far-advanced lung cancer in Taiwanese patient.