為了使孩童的心理社會發展能更臻理想,首先必須要了解孩童的氣質。本研究之目的在於分析不同社會人口學特色下的孩童,其九項氣質特性、氣質類別、父母對孩童教養難易度的一般印象是否有所不同;並比較當孩童的氣質特性不同時,父母認為孩童屬於困難教養型的傾向是否有所不同。研究方法是採取橫斷面的調查,以中文版兒童氣質評估表評估學齡前孩童之氣質特質,研究對象為中興新村內幼兒園之3-5歲孩童共504人,問卷係由父母填寫,回應率為78.4%。複迴歸顯示男孩有較大的活動量、對新事物傾向於趨且適應力較強,年齡愈大、有兄弟姊妹以及母親孕齡大於等於30歲的孩童反應性較弱。羅吉斯迴歸顯示氣質類型及父母對孩童教養難易度的一般印象與社會人口學之間無顯著相關。活動性較大、堅持度較高之孩童,母親認為難教養的勝算比較高,這些發現值得未來進一步的研究。; To make children’s psychosocial development more fitness, we must understand the temperament of children first. The purposes of this study were to probe into the associated factors of temperament and to make parents understanding the temperament of children. We used the Carey’s Revised Preschool Chinese Questionnaire to assess the temperament characteristics of Taiwanese preschool children. In this cross-sectional study, data were obtained from a sample of 541 children aged 3 to 5, attending kindergarten in Chung-Shing-Shin-Tsenn community, in middle Taiwan. The response rate of this study was 78.4%. Multiple linear regression showed boys were with higher activity, more approach and higher adaptability. The elder children were with less intensity. The children having siblings were with less intensity. The children having elder mothers were with less intensity. Logistic regression showed there were no significant differences of temperamental categories and parental general impression by sociodemographic factors. Difficult children rated by parental general impression were more activity and higher persistence. These findings were worthy of further investigations.