摘要: | 歷代中醫藥典籍,收載了很多古代醫藥專家寶貴的臨床經驗及智慧結晶,研究古籍才能得到歷代累積的珍貴資料,但古籍汗牛充棟,資料繁浩,語彙深奧難懂,研讀困難,精要難擇,過去人工查尋,研究成果不豐碩,本研究結合現代電腦科技與傳統古籍資料,利用電腦可儲存巨大中醫藥文獻資料,快速的搜尋功能,來查尋、歸納、整理、分析研究,開創典籍電腦分析的研究新領域,尤其近年台灣與大陸各出版七百多本二億多字中醫藥典籍電子書,面對Traditional Chinese Medicine-e-BOOK (TCM-e-BOOK)時代,典籍考證研究必須踏進電腦分析的新時代。 本研究以龜板為題,研究架構規劃從古至今一系列的系統研究。在中醫治病上,龜板是非常重要的藥材,遍查諸書,其功效廣泛,究竟何種功效才是臨床治療疾病上,最有用的功效?常配那藥來治病?臨床應用?令人茫然無所定位,本研究用古籍資料為研究樣本,分別從68本歷代諸家本草典籍,及15,403方劑電腦資料庫,方藥兩種不同的領域來交叉對照研究,全部資料輸入電腦進行歸納分析統計,得到結果,其本草方劑功效可歸類為36種,這些功效中,分析結果龜板最主要的作用,在滋陰補腎健骨,用於風溼痺痛、腰腳痿弱,在臨床方劑基本配藥,以配當歸、地黃、虎骨、牛膝、黃柏、人參為主,對方藥功效的關連、臨床應用、配藥變化各予討論之。本研究探討目標之一,即用電腦分析得到具體的數據,為臨床及研究的指引。 龜板在漢唐時代,是用上下甲,後世才變為只用下板的奇特現象,本研究從典籍文獻資料的考證,來探討其複雜背景與因素,漢唐時代是用上下甲,五代後,灼龜板卜卦,再售中藥房,後世滋陰派、類比形象效用說、中藥房遵古守古、用藥習性等因素遂導至今天只用下板,除典籍考證外,並以化學成分來證明上甲下板是一樣的,今天只用佔三分之一的下板,實在是很大的資源材料浪費,尤其現在工業開發,龜的棲息地被破壞,龜大量減少,更需珍惜龜的資源,建議中醫藥委員會及中藥商、中醫師公會,將來利用本研究成果,宣導用上甲下板,導正這一千多年的錯誤用法,節省二倍丟失的材料,且可降低龜甲板的售價。 保育是世界的潮流,保育為國際及國內非常重視的工作。有些中藥涉及瀕臨絕種的 i 野生動物,引起國際保育人士的攻擊,龜板是用量多的常用藥材,又是部份種別分別各列入:(1)瀕臨絕種、(2)珍貴稀有、(3)其他應予保育或(4)非保育類野生動物者,就因涉及保育問題,龜板成為國際保育及媒體注意的目標,研究如何鑑定保育類龜板,是迫切的重要問題。但中藥材龜板是「腹甲」,其基原有三十多種龜,非常複雜,動物學家對龜品種的鑑定都從其全形外觀形態,因此從腹甲的鑑定,龜動物學家罕見研究,而且同一種龜的腹甲,由於其生長環境、老幼年齡不同等各種因素,其腹甲的形狀顏色花紋變化差異很大,因此,數年來我們努力在開發龜板的鑑定技術,從腹甲形態,來判定其正確基原品種,分清那些龜板是保育類,那些不是,更進一步做DNA PCR及定序的研究,能鑑別炮製後無外皮的碎塊成品。 本研究規劃一系統研究,從古今中醫藥典籍文獻考證,動物學龜之種類,台灣市場品龜板之調查、採樣搜集、拍攝相片、研究分析外觀形態特徵鑑別,DNA PCR及定序的鑑別,以探研龜板究竟多少涉及保育龜種之真相。使龜板問題得以澄清,就調查結果,涉及保育類的龜板是很少量,我們認為務實可行的解決方法,將來印製鑑定圖鑑,有明確的判定依據,合法違法涇渭分明,教育宣導,從中藥商、藥廠拒用保育種龜板,進口商、原產地,不採收保育類的龜,就可達到中醫藥應用與保育政策雙贏的結果。 中醫藥深植於中國文化,化學成分、藥理等實驗研究固然非常重要,從以上考據研究,典籍電腦分析正可補實驗研究之不足,理清中醫用藥論的正確方向,更可節省篩選實驗大量的金錢、人力、時間等之耗費,是值得發展的研究領域。; Abstract Ancient Chinese medical books have many important clinical records, and the study of ancient Chinese medical books is important to uncover the accumulated knowledge from previous generations. However, the great amount of books and the difficult Chinese medical terminologies make this classic text research tedious. Little research has been done in this field. In order to solve this problem, we began to computerize Chinese medical literatures since 10 years ago. We have developed a software to study Chinese medicinal literatures. Now, more than 7 hundred books and 200 million words have been published both in Taiwan and China in 1999-2000, our computerized research just face the new coming generation of TCM-e-Book. Our research on traditional Chinese medicine (TCM) has combined the ancient textual and modern survey, experimental methods for turtle shell. From TCM books, there are 36 kinds of medical use of turtle shell, however, it is difficult to understand its main clinical application. To study the main medical use of turtle shell recorded in literature, we collected 68 Pentsao (Bencao) books records, classified according to its characteristic, and analyses using our Chinese medical literature analysis software. We have also computerized 15,403 Chinese medicine prescriptions. Using both the Pentsao and prescription analysis, we found that the application of turtle shells for the treatment of diseases included 36 items, the main function is to nourish yin, benefit kidney and invigorate bone. In the related prescriptions, the main matched drugs are Angelicae Sinensis Radix, Rehmanniae Radix et Rhizoma, Tigris Os, Achyranthis et Cyathulae Radix, Phellodendri Cortes and Ginseng Radix. This research result can be used as the direction for clinical application and pharmaceutical experiment study for turtle shell. We also investigated why in the Chinese medicine only the plastron is used but not the carapace. From textual research, in our ancient generation, they used the turtle shell included carapace and plastron. In Tung dynasty and Five Generations dynasty (1619-960 A.D.), roasting of the turtle plastron to read the forecast was very popular, such roasted plastron was iii sold to the Chinese drugs market, they thought such worded plas |