骨碎補為常用中藥之一,根莖有補腎強骨、續筋止痛之效。主要治療腎虛腰痛、耳鳴耳聾、牙齒鬆動、跌撲閃挫、筋骨折傷;外治斑禿,白癜風等。 骨碎補類藥材之來源植物應為水龍骨科(Polypodiaceae)植物槲蕨(Drynaria fortunei (KUNTZE) J. SMITH)之根莖,經採集調查,發現台灣地區之骨碎補有水龍骨科(Polypodiaceae)槲蕨屬(Drynaria (BORY) J. SMITH)植物一種,槲蕨(Drynaria fortunei (KUNZE) J. SMITH),崖薑蕨屬(Pseudodrynaria (C.CHRISTENSEN) CHING )一種,崖薑蕨(Pseudodrynaria coronans (WALLICH) CHING),骨碎補科(Davalliaceae)骨碎補屬(Davallia SMITH) 植物有三種,分別為:大葉骨碎補(Davallia divaricata BLUME)、海州骨碎補(Davallia mariesii MOORE ex BAKER)、闊葉骨碎補(Davallia solida (FORST) SWARTZ)以及陰石蕨屬(Humata CAVANILLES)植物一種,杯狀蓋陰石蕨(Humata griffithiana (HOOKER) C. CHRISTENSEN)等共計六種。 然市售商品來源植物種類繁多,本研究之目的在鑑別其真偽與來源植物,利用顯微鏡解剖其植物及藥材,觀察其內部構造,粉末特徵繪圖,敘述植物藥材內部,粉末組織之內容,並就市售骨碎補及台灣現有之來源植物,進行實際調查、採集、綜合各方面鑑定,作為標準品提供中藥GMP之檢驗、包裝作業及醫師用藥之參考。; Gusuibu has now been used is one of the most usually in Chinese medicine,the rhizoma of Gusuibu was used for invigorate the kidney and strengthen bones、restore the tendons and alleviate pain、cure for lambago due to asthenia of kidney、tinnitus and deafness、toothache、sudden sprain and contusion due to trauma、sprain of extremities;topical application is used for alopecia areata,seborrheic etc。 The botanical origin of rhizoma derivated of Gusuibu should be incould Drynaria fortunei (KUNZE) J. SMITH(fam. polypodiaceae)。Through collection、research and identification of Gusuibu in Taiwan,six species were find is Drynaria fortunei (KUNZE) J. SMITH (fam. polypodiaceae),Pseudodrynaria coronans (WALLICH) CHING (fam. polypodiaceae),Davallia divaricata BLUME (fam. Davalliaceae)、Davallia mariesii MOORE ex BAKER (fam. Davalliaceae)、Davallia solida (FORST) SWARTZ (fam. Davalliaceae) and Humata griffithiana (HOOKER) C. CHRISTENSEN(fam. Davalliaceae)。 As many kind of Gusuibu(and their substitutes) can not be clearly distinguished,this research herefore Proceed anatomical exemination to carry out this work,histological observation by micr oscopically examination and draw the powder structure firguer,research、collection the botanical origin of rhizoma of Gusuibu and sold on the market,the data obtained from histological examinations of Gusuibu rhizoma will be benefical to the idetification of botanical origins of Gusuibu and the development of Chinese crude drug resources in Taiwan。