摘 要 本研究之目的在探討台灣民眾常用健脾益氣中藥紅耆對胰臟胰島素分泌之作用,研究選用四組不同之劑量(650 mg、390 mg、130 mg、control)之紅耆粗萃取物,灌流大鼠胰臟,再以競爭性放射性免疫法(Radioimmunoassay, RIA)來測定胰島素濃度之變化,研究結果以ANOVA分析在不同劑量與時間作用下,胰島素分泌之情形。 結果顯示:紅耆灌流大鼠胰臟,在2-4分鐘的時間內即可刺激胰島素之分泌,並可達到最大分泌高峰,而且有劑量-效應之關係。紅耆刺激胰島素達到分泌高峰後,即隨著時間以緩降趨勢下降。而經藥物灌流後,胰島細胞對葡萄糖的刺激仍有反應,表示胰島細胞未遭破壞。 關鍵詞:胰島素分泌 健脾 益氣 放射性免疫法 紅耆; The Study of Hong-Chyi on Insulin Secretion in Perfused Rat Pancreas Hong-Chyi is one of the most popular Spleen-Fostering, Qi-Supple- menting Chinese herbs used in Taiwan. The purpose of this study is to ev- aluate the effect of Hong-Chyi on insulin secretion in perfused rat pancreas. Four doses (650 mg,390 mg,130 mg,control) of Hong-Chyi crew extract were used. The perfused rat pancreas was adopted with competitive radioimmunoassay to evaluate the change of insulin secretion induced by Hong-Chyi. The statistical analysis was performed using ANOVA. Our result showed the perfusion of Hong-Chyi could stimulate the secretion of insulin, and obtain the obvious peak in dose-dependent response. Once the peak was obtained, the secretion of insulin decreased gradually. The insulin secretion function of islet cells remained intact after perfusion. Key words:Insulin secretion; Spleen-fostering; Qi-Supplementing; Hong-chyi; Radioimmunoassay