舌診為中醫望診中獨特的診斷方法,觀察舌質和舌苔對臨床辨證極為重要,但在台灣卻缺少常人舌診分布基本資料。本研究以舌診儀分析舌象,對舌象特性作定性及定量分析,目的有四:一、舌診特徵參數量化之驗證。二、評估常人舌診分布概況,同時與年齡、性別相關性之比較。三、常人舌象定性與定量分析(生活習性、飲食習慣、臟腑變化、生化檢查之相關性)。四、常人舌象與疾病患者舌象之比較。 以台中榮總健檢中心接受健康檢查的人為研究對象,利用逢甲大學研發之封閉式攝影環境電腦化舌象診察分析系統錄製其舌面影像。從民國90年7 月至12月,共蒐集60例有效舌象,以全區劃分分析,其中淡白舌佔16.3%,淡紅舌佔82%。黃苔佔34.9%,白苔佔56.7%。在此研究中,我們發現正常之淡紅舌薄白苔,隨著年齡的增加而改變,心肺區舌質較多,舌苔少,舌中部則舌苔較多,雖然肝膽區與脾胃區苔質比差異不大,但脾胃區的黃苔較多。其次工作時間的長久會影響舌面質苔比及舌色;至於飲食方面,煙酒、茶與冰品及油炸食物可能影響舌色與舌苔,但還須進一步研究,才可下定論。疾病患者舌象與常人不同,研究顯示出疾病患者舌質偏多而少苔,其次疾病者苔色多偏於黃苔,舌質顏色偏紅比率高於常人。且有異常朱點及剝苔。; Inspection of the tongue is a unique and important diagnostic method for understanding human health condition.The normal picture of the tongue is described as being“Light red tongue with thin and white coating ”。However, many lifestyle & enviroment factors were affected on the tongue.The aim of this study was to assess the association between picture of tongue and enviroment factors. Between July to December 2001,60 tongue images captured from 60 health people in this study.The color of tongue coating were white 56.7﹪,yellow 34.9﹪;the substance of tongue were light red 82﹪,whitish 16.3﹪。Statistic showed the age、tea、allcohol、ice 、albumin、neutrophile 、eosinophile、lymphocyte 、work hours had an increased change effect on the tongue。The most coating of tongue were distributed to middle part.the health people’s tongue were different with patient’s. In patinets’s tongue images,the substance of tongue was increased than health people,and the color of tongue coating was ecrease. Conclusion: The health people ‘s tongue images were decrease with Age。The most coating of tongue were distributed to middle part. The same time,tea 、alcohol、albumin、lymphocyte and work hours were important factors for change color of tongue picture.