中 文 摘 要 本實驗先以能手術治療的大腸癌患者6例(以下簡稱Co-1~6)為對象,利用高效率液相層析法分析患者術前及術後尿中胜?的變化,發現術前及術後尿液於滯留時間(簡稱RT)20分鐘的高峰明顯下降甚至消失,二者之間的差異具有統計學上顯著意義;另外再以不能手術治療的大腸癌患者6例(以下簡稱Cn-o-1~6)為對象,利用高效率液相層析法在不同的時間間隔分析兩次,發現滯留時間20分鐘的高峰並未改變,根據本實驗推論滯留時間20分鐘胜?的升高可作為預測腫瘤術後復發的指標,甚且可進一步研究此一胜?的免疫原性及其在細胞性免疫反應中的角色,建立中醫尿療法的作用模型,研發新的腫瘤免疫療法-腫瘤疫苗。 關鍵詞:尿療法 大腸癌 胜? 腫瘤免疫療法; 英 文 摘 要 Abstract Our study design selected six patients (study group) who afflicted operable colorectal cancer;And selected six patients (control group) who afflicted in-operable colorectal cancer. We collected 24 hrs urine as assay sample before operation and after operation from study group. Meanwhile, we collected 24 hrs urine as assay sample twice on different times (respectively called as T1, T2) from control group. Utilizing high performance liquid chromatography (HPLC) to analyze 12 urine sample from study group and 12 urine sample from control group. Compared the difference of HPLC between urine sample collecting before operation and urine sample collecting after operation in study group ; Also compare the difference of HPLC between T1 and T2 in control group. We found that the peak of RT20 (Retention Time 20 mins ) on HPLC dropped remarkedly after operation; there is no difference between RT20 on T1 and RT20 on T2. Conclusion: elavation of RT20 component on HPLC after operation can predict the reccurence of colorectal cancer. Prospect: Furtherly , we wish to demonstrate that the RT20 component is secreted by tumor cell exclusively. Then , study the sequence of RT20 component and its immunogenicity. Clarifying its role in the cell-mediated immunity. Finally, We wish to develop the tumor immunotherapy. Key Word: urinary therapy Colorectal cancer Peptides Tumor Immunotherapy