硬皮症合併雷諾氏現象之患者,目前尚無特異性療法。由於其臨床表現與病理特徵與中醫「血瘀症」相當,本研究以「血府逐瘀湯」與西藥pentoxifylline治療對照,以雷射血流測量儀定期評估患者指端之血流量。 由風濕科門診篩檢硬皮症合併雷諾氏現象的患者20名,分為二組,均依現代醫學公認之治療標準給予硬皮症之傳統治療藥物,實驗組加入血府逐瘀湯濃縮粉劑,對照組加入末梢循環促進劑pentoxifylline。兩組均連續治療4個月,治療前及治療後每2個月接受一次末梢血流。 經過4個月之治療,室溫血流值、移動血球濃度及血球流速方面,中藥組改善的程度比西藥組明顯,且達統計學上的意義(p=0.020,0.028,0.009)。冷試驗後14-17分,移動血球濃度改善的程度中藥組比西藥組明顯(p=0.009),最低血流值及血球流速的變化,二組則無明顯差異(p=0.144,0.101)。 服用血府逐瘀湯對血流值較差的硬皮症患者可以有所改善,但須2個月以上的療程。移動血球濃度及血球流速改善的情形,與血流值大致相同,惟泡冰水後,血球流速的改善比血流值及移動血球濃度明顯。; There is only supportive treatment for Raynaud’s phenomenon with systemic sclerosis. The manifestation of them with systemic sclerosis is blood stasis in traditional Chinese medicine. In this study, we applied the formula 「SFU」to those suffered from Raynaud’s phenomenon with systemic sclerosis and compare the effect of pentoxifylline on digital blood flow by laser Doppler fluxmetry. Twenty patients fulfill the ARA diagnostic criteria for systemic sclerosis were included in this study. All of them were complicated with Raynaud’s phenomenon and were devided into two groups. Both groups received conservative treatment for systemic sclerosis. In the mean time, SFUforexperimental group and pentoxifylline for the control group were given orally and continue for 4 months. Both groups receive digital blood flow examination by laser Fluxmetry every two months. Biochemistry for renal and liver function, complete blood count examination were performed to check side effect. After 4-month treatment, the change of Flux in room temperature in experimental group is more significant than that in control group, 4 patients were improved in experimental group verus 2 patients in control group (P=0.020). The improvements of CMBC and velocity in experimental group were more significant than that in control group (P=0.028,0.001 ). The effects of SFU for CMBC and velocity is not significant if the course of treatment is less than 4 months. In the course of treatment, there are no drug side effects in CBC, liver and renal function in both groups, but one patient in experimental group showed exacerbation of skin score and was withdrawed from the study.