風險溝通已成為民主國家環境決策不可或缺的工具,一般人對物質風險的判斷與其風險接受度汲汲相關,了解國人對物質風險判斷與直覺毒理概念,將對風險管理相關議題有重大的影響。本研究以自填封閉式問卷,針對台中縣某國中教師138位、國三748位、國一690位、以及全校學生家長,一戶一人共2139位為對象,施以問卷調查。主要目的在了解性別差異對環境物質健康風險危害的判斷及毒理概念之影響,並進一步探討其可能造成差異的原因。問卷係參考國外文獻並自擬而成,內容包含對環境物質健康危害的判斷與毒理概念的認知與態度,受訪者以直覺來判斷並答覆每一問題,結果使用SAS套裝軟體作卡方檢定。結果顯示對於物質風險之判斷,與受測者之背景如教育程度、性別、閱報頻率、住家附近環境等因素有顯著相關。同時國人對於化學物質健康危害的認知相當敏感而極為負面,而且對於有害或者有毒物質的危害極少考慮劑量高低與暴露頻率,此與毒理學家有顯著的差異。而性別不同於環境物質對健康危害的認知也有差異,女性的看法比男性較為敏感而負面,對於其毒理概念女性也較少考慮劑量高低與暴露頻率,此與國外文獻有一致的結果。雖本研究僅就一所學校做調查,我們的結果卻顯示國人對環境中物質風險判斷與毒理概念和美加毒理專家有許多不同。建議加強物質對人體健康影響方面的教育,以培養國人對環境決策理性溝通的能力。; Characterization of the judgments toward domestic chemical risks and intuitive toxicological concepts among the public would be beneficial to elucidate their risk perceptions and risk acceptability and may pave the way for efficient risk communication. Questionnaires adapted from literatures were used to study risk perception currently shared by students(n=1438), teachers(n=138)of a junior high school and students'' parents(n=2139)on and regulation in the long run. living in Tai-Pyng area of Taichung County, Taiwan. These questions were designed for intuitive analyses to study respondents'' conception and attitude toward chemicals and other risk factors. Data collected for this study were analyzed with the Chi-square test using the SAS program. Our results shows that teachers had much higher perceptions of risk than the other respondents, and their judgments toward chemical risks are related to their education level, gender, newspaper reading rate, and surrounding environments. Our results also show significant differences in perceptions on the risk and toxicology concepts between the public and toxicologists. The public'' attitudes toward chemicals were quite negative and much less sensitive than the toxicologists in terms of dose and exposure. Significant differences in risk perceptions and toxicology concepts were also demonstrated between men and women. Women''s attitudes toward chemicals were quite negative and much less sensitive than men in terms of dose and exposure. Men expressed less concern hazard chemical. Results from this case study imply that the public obviously lacks knowledge of adverse health effects caused by chemicals, and suggest that education of environmental health may be needed for students of high school, college, and university.