苯乙烯(styrene)是一種廣泛應用於塑膠、樹脂、塗料等化學工業不可或缺的原料,作業環境空氣中苯乙烯會經由生物代謝產生致癌的苯乙烯氧化物(styrene oxide)。本研究是探討強化塑膠工廠空氣中苯乙烯及苯乙烯氧化物濃度之相關情形、苯乙烯暴露之環境偵測與生物偵測之相關性,並且建立苯(benzene)、苯乙烯(styrene)、苯甲醛(benzaldehyde)及苯乙烯氧化物(styrene oxide)之熱脫附及GC/MS分析方法,進而探討苯乙烯之光化學反應。 作業環境測定以個人採樣(N=44)及區域採樣(N=19)區分上、下午二個採樣時段,分別採集分析空氣中苯乙烯及苯乙烯氧化物之濃度。生物偵測(N=44)方面是分析作業勞工上班前及下班後之尿液樣本,採樣當天同時進行問卷訪視,共收集41件有效問卷。空氣樣本以活性碳管(Charcoal tube)吸附後,加入1 ml的溶劑CS2脫附,再用氣相層析儀(GC/FID)分析,尿液樣本經加酸、萃取等前處理之後以HPLC來分析。苯乙烯光化學反應分析是將低、中、高三種不同濃度苯乙烯(N=3)加入採樣袋中,經紫外線照射、NO2暴露、紫外線照射與NO2暴露的條件,各經過六種不同的暴露時間,以Carbopack B吸附劑填充之採樣管採集空氣樣本之後,用自動熱脫附與GC/MS來分析。 在苯乙烯工廠作業環境空氣中,苯乙烯濃度測定結果皆低於50 ppm(TWA-PEL),並發現在部分高暴露組的空氣樣本中,有少量的苯乙烯氧化物。利用迴歸模式控制可能的干擾因子後,空氣中苯乙烯的濃度與尿中代謝物苯基乙醛酸(PGA)的關係為PGA(μg/g creatine) = 5.847+ 1.332 styrene+ 7.234 drug 。本研究中苯乙烯氧化物以活性碳吸附,使用溶劑CS2脫附再用GC/FID分析之方法符合NIOSH空氣採樣分析方法之規範標準。Benzene、styrene、benzaldehyde、styrene oxide以Carbopack- B吸附之後,用熱脫附GC/MS分析之方法,除苯乙烯氧化物之貯存穩定性較差僅達第7天之外,苯、苯乙烯及苯甲醛的分析方法皆符合NIOSH空氣樣本採樣分析方法之規範標準。苯乙烯經紫外線照射之光化學反應後,會產生benzene及benzaldehyde,並且隨著UV照射的時間增加,benzene也有增加的趨勢。苯乙烯暴露於NO2的條件下,主要會產生benzaldehyde,但沒有隨著時間的增加而增加其濃度。; Styrene is extensively used in chemistry industries such as plastic, resin and paint etc. Styrene oxide (SO), metabolized from a creature the styrene that exists in the air of the workplace, may cause animal and human cancer. This study focused on the relationship between environmental and biological monitoring of airborne styrene and SO in two reinforced-plastics factories. Moreover, to assess the photochemical reactions of the exposure to styrene and establish the analytical methods of thermal desorption and GC/MS for benzene, styrene, benzaldehyde and styrene oxide, Personal sampling (N=44) and area sampling(N=19) were conducted at two periods (morning and afternoon) to measure the concentration of airborne styrene and SO. Biological monitoring was analyzed for workers'' urine with work before and work end of shift. Charcoal tube was desorbed using 1ml of carbon disulfide at room temperature and then analyzed by GC/FID. Urine samples were pretreated with adding acid and solvent extraction and then analyzed by HPLC. Photochemical reaction of styrene was conducted in three different concentrations of styrene in air bag and then exposed to three conditions of UV irradiation, NO2 exposure and both the UV irradiation and NO2 exposure under six exposure periods. Target compounds including benzene, styrene and benzaldehyde were monitored afterr photochemical reaction of styrene. Results showed that airborne styrene concentration were not exceed 50 ppm (TWA-PEL) in two factories and also found a small quantity of the styrene oxide that exist in high styrene exposure of area. By regression model to control the possible confounding factors, the positive relationship between air concentration of styrene and the phenylglyoxylic acid in the urine. When styrene in the bag was exposed with UV irradiate, the concentration of benzene and benzaldehyde was increased based on the time of UV irradiate. However, when styrene was exposed to NO2, the concentration of benzaldehyde was kept constantly based on the exposure time. We concluded that SO was measured under high concentration of styrene in the reinforced-plastics factory and may be detected under photochemical reaction of styrene.