摘要 本研究係針對全省共八家聚月尿 樹脂及合成皮製造工廠的165位勞工,進行作業環境中二甲基甲醯胺(DMF)、甲苯、丁酮、乙酸乙酯等有機溶劑的測定,以主動式採樣進行各工廠中不同作業別之作業環境空氣採樣及分析,以進行現場有機溶劑暴露評估。並於作業現場進行主動式及被動式兩種方式之同步採樣及分析,探討二者間之相關性,以評估DMF 等極性有機物之被動式採樣之可行性。 暴露於DMF之作業勞工,經由代謝產生之生物指標物為單甲基甲醯胺(NMF),為了解暴露於DMF之勞工是否會因連續暴露,而於體內蓄積,本研究選擇13名使用DMF之作業勞工,進行連續一週之個人空氣採樣,及尿液同步採集,進行檢測,以評估空氣暴露與體內生物偵測代謝指標物間之相關性,及生物偵測代謝指標物在體內蓄積情形。 由健康檢查之肝功能指數─血清丙胺酸轉胺?(ALT或SGPT)及加瑪麩胺醯轉移?(GGT或γ-GT)之結果,評估DMF暴露對健康的影響。 165件個人之四種化合物之作業環境測定結果顯示,DMF有13件超出容許濃度(PEL = 10 ppm),其中最高者為某濕式塗佈作業之51.1 ppm,其餘三種化合物皆未超出容許濃度。主動式與被動式空氣採樣所得之結果,顯示DMF及甲苯二化合物具統計上的相關(r分別為 0.952 ,0.986,p<0.001)。再經由t-test檢定顯示,於95%信賴度,二化合物之主、被動式採樣間,不具統計上的差異性。 針對13位勞工進行連續一週之監測,共執行61人次的測定,得到空氣中DMF平均濃度為11.5± 5.4 ppm,其中有32人次(52.5%)超出容許濃度,一週工作期間尿中NMF平均值為43.9 ± 41.9 mg/L,其中44人次(72.1%)超出德國DFG之BAT值(參考值= 15 mg/L);經肌酸酐(creatinine)校正後之尿中NMF平均值為32.4 ± 29.6 mg/g cre,其中有32人次(52.5%)超出美國ACGIH之BEI值(參考值= 20 mg/g cre)。在配料及塗佈,和處理作業之勞工肝功能指數(ALT及GGT值),較其他作業別勞工,有稍高的趨勢,且年資較高勞工的ALT及GGT值,較年資較少勞工群為低,可能係健康工人效應。 聚月尿 樹脂及合成皮製造工廠之作業環境,仍應持續改善,藉由通風設施的加強,可達實質效益。DMF與甲苯二化合物之被動式與主動式採樣分析結果,具極佳的相關及一致性。於一週工作期間的DMF連續暴露評估結果顯示,勞工體內之代謝生物指標物NMF,有蓄積的現象。作業環境中DMF濃度較高作業別之勞工,其肝功能指數較其他作業別勞工,有稍高的趨勢。 關鍵字:二甲基甲醯胺(DMF), 暴露評估, 肝功能指數, 生物偵測指標物,單甲基甲醯胺(NMF); Abstract The current status of solvents exposure among eight polyurethane resin and synthetic leather manufacturing plants was investigated. Total of 165 workers from production lines were included in this cross-sectional study. The airborne solvents of N,N-Dimethyl-formamide (DMF), toluene, methyl ethyl ketone and ethyl acetate employed at work-place were monitored through active sampling method. At the mean time, the sampling efficiency for either active or passive sampling methods was evaluated. Air monitoring of workplace and biological monitoring of 13 workers exposed to DMF was carried out in one of the synthetic leather manufacturing plants for 5 consecutive days. The original form of DMF as well as urinary metabolite of N-methylformamide(NMF) were measured as internal dose. The correlation between external exposure and internal cumulation was investigated. Health effect of workers with different job title which implied various concentration of external exposure was examined through liver function indices of alanine aminotransferase (ALT) and gamma glutamyl transferase (GGT). Results of air monitoring showed that workers'' exposure to DMF vapor varied greatly at different job divisions. Total of 13 (7.9 %) out of 165 workers were having DMF exposure over permissible exposure limit (PEL = 10 ppm). The highest concentration found was 51.1 ppm at wet coating division of one factory. However, the other three compounds at workplace were all below PEL. Both active and passive sampling methods were statistically correlated for DMF and toluene with r value of 0.952 ,0.986, respectively. The students'' t-test showed that with 95% confidence interval , there was no significant difference between two methods where p= 0.225 for DMF, p =0.700 for toluene. The urinary NMF was positively correlated with external exposure of DMF. Total of 61 samples were collected in five consecutive days for personal air monitoring from 13 workers. The average airborne concentration was 11.5 ± 5.4 ppm where 32 samples (52.5%) were over PEL. The average urinary NMF was 43.9 ± 41.9 mg/L where 44 samples (72.1 %) were over BAT reference value (15 mg/L) issued by Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft (DFG). After correction with creatinine(cre), the average urinary NMF was 32.4 ± 29.6 mg/g cre where 32 samples (52.5 %) were over BEI reference value (20 mg/g cre) issued by American Conference of Governmental Industrial Hygienists(ACGIH). Those workers at blending, coating and treatment divisions had higher value of ALT and GGT than those of other divisions. However, workers with longer working duration had lower value of ALT and GGT than those with less working years. This might be the healthy wor