本實驗的目的之一,在檢測木犀草素(Luteolin)對正常大鼠組織及人類肝癌細胞株(J-5)的胞質液及著壁細胞中,2-aminoflourene(2-AF)的N基乙醯化的劑量效應。在胞質液組,2-AF的N基乙醯化的效應檢測,是以乙醯輔酵素A(acetyl -coA)再製液及利用高效液相層析儀來分析;在著壁細胞組,2-AF加入培養基中,然後再分析乙醯化及未乙醯化的2-AF的量。在各組中,經分別有無加入不同濃度的木犀草素,則不同百分比的2-AF及2-AAF被檢測出來。結果顯示,木犀草素可降低2-AF的N基乙醯化的量,且呈劑量依存性(dose dependent),木犀草素濃度愈高,抑制效應愈明顯。 本實驗的另一個目的,即在檢測木犀草素(Luteolin)對人類肝癌細胞株(J-5)的細胞毒性、細胞型態及細胞週期的影響。結果顯示,木犀草素可致細胞毒性、改變細胞型態、造成細胞凋亡並降低細胞週期中合成期(S phase)的細胞數。細胞週期的分析是以流式細胞計數儀(Flow cytometry)分析DNA的量。這是第一篇指出木犀草素能抑制2-AF的N基乙醯化及影響肝癌細胞株生長的研究。; Studies were conducted to examine the dose effects of luteolin on N-acetylation of 2-aminofluorene (2-AF) from normal Spraque-Dawley rat’s tissure and human liver tumor cells(J-5). For cytosol examination, the effects on the N-acetylation of 2-AF were determined by using acetyl Co-A recycling assay and high pressure liquid chromatography. For intact cells examination, the 2-AF were placed into the culture then to assay the amounts of acetylated 2-AF (N-acetyl-2-Aminofluorene: 2-AAF) and non-acetylated 2-AF. Cytosols or suspensions of rat’s tissues (blood and liver) and lymphocyte and human liver tumor cells with or without selected concentrations of luteolin co-treated showed different percentage of 2-AF and 2-AAF. The data indicates that there was a decreased N-acetylation of 2-AF associated with increased levels of luteolin in the cytolsols or suspension of examined tissues or cells. Luteolin was also used to determined the cytotoxicity, cell morphology, apoptosis and cell cycle of human liver tumor cells(J-5). The results show luteolin did induced cytotoxicity, the change of cell morphology, apoptosis and the change of cell cycle , especially decreased the number of S phase in J-5 cells. The cell cycle was based on the DNA content by using Flow cytometry analysis. This is the first finding to show that luteolin inhibit N-acetylation of 2-AF and affect cell growth from human liver tumor cells.