摘要: | 中國藥材乃積五千年來之經驗與知識的遺產,臺灣民間之用藥,種類繁多,同名異物,同物異名,不同科屬之植物,當成同一藥材使用者,比比皆是,故其複雜性可想而知。現今臺灣各種藥商總計二萬餘家,所需中藥材及臺灣常用民間藥數量甚大,且種類又多,因此藥材之真偽與品質之優劣,往往影響其療效。為確保國民健康,應使用來源準確之藥材。是故藥材之鑑定與建立品質評價資料是相當重要之工作。 決明子為常用中藥之一,有清肝明目、潤腸通便的功能,主要治療青盲目淫、膚赤白膜、眼赤淚出,久服益精光、輕身。自古作為明目要藥。現代藥理學研究發現決明子有抗真菌、降壓、降血脂、抗血小板凝集等作用。本類藥材之主要來源植物為豆科(Leguminosae)植物鈍葉決明Cassia obtusifolia L.或小決明Cassia tora L.的種子。然市售商品來源植物種類繁多,本研究之目的在鑑別其真偽與來源植物。 本研究先進行決明子藥材原植物之調查與採集,並依植物分類學及生藥組織學之原則,記述原植物與藥用部位之外部形態特徵;利用顯微鏡解剖其植物及藥材,觀察其內部構造,粉末特徵,敘述植物藥材內部,粉末組織之內容,建立標準生藥組織圖供比對。; Cassiae Torae Semen was first recorded in Shen-Nung-Pen-Ts'ao-Ching(神農本草經)as Upper Category and in the successive Pen-Ts'ao of descending dynasties such as Pieh-Lu(別錄), Hsin-Hsiu(新修), Chia-Yu(嘉祐), Tu-Ching(圖經), Cheng-Lei(證類), Ta-Kwang(大觀), Ching-Yao(精要), Kang-Mu(綱目), Chin-Wu-Ming-Shih-Tu-Kao (植物名實圖考)and Chang-Pen(長編). Cassiae Torae Semen, a famous Chinese traditional drug, has been adopted in a lot of traditional Chinese medical prescriptions. It is used for clear the liver and bright the eyes, to moisten the supposedly dry digestive apparatus and to facilitate bowel movement. Recent studies on Cassiae Torae Semen show its therapeutic effects on cardiotonic, hypertension, hyperglycemic, antibacteria, blood platelets coagulate,eyes and constipation. This study started with the textual research of Pent't sao to clarify historical development. The recent literatures of Cassiae torae Semen on pharmaceutical botany,pharmacognosy and pharmacology were also studied to elucidate these utilization of the drugs. *Graduate student of Institute of Chinese Pharmaceutical Sciences,China Medical College. **91,Hsieh-Shin Road,Taichung, Taiwan, Republic of China. According to Flora of Taiwan,there are over twenty species belong to Cassiae genera.Most of them are to regard as plant trees or to regard as green manure. Eight species of Cassia are used often in traditional Chinese medical prescriptions or to substitue as Cassiae Torae Semen in Taiwan.Some of them are unique products only to grow in Taiwan.They are as fallows: 1. Cassia corymbosa LAMARCK 2. Cassia floribunda CAVANILLES 3. Cassia garambiensis HOSOKAWA 4. Cassia hirsuta LINNAEUS 5. Cassia occidentalis LINNAEUS 6. Cassia sophora LINNAEUS var. penghuana Y.C.LIU et F.Y.LU. 7. Cassia tora LINNAEUS 8. Cassia torosa CAVANILLES The specimens of these eight species were compared by their morphology and histological characters such as palisade parenchyma,light zone,spongy tissue in the spermoderm,palisade parenchyma, spongy tissue,vascular bundle,in the cotyledon,particle size of crystals only to found in Cassia tora L.The anatomical structures of the plants were also documented by hand drawing, and photographic methods the results were in plates. |