中醫臨床上常用的促進傷口癒合的外用藥生肌玉紅膏,其直接針對燙傷創口外敷的促進傷面癒合效果如何,且與西醫慣用處理方式之治療效果相較何如,實有進一步探討之必要。因此本研究採用豬的深度燙傷模型,共三隻豬,每隻豬左、右背部各三個創面,將燙傷創面分為對照組、西藥外敷組及中藥外敷組等三組,並利用重複拉丁方陣設計(repeated Latin-square design)方法進行實驗設計與分組。於第一、二、三、四週時,描繪傷口未癒合之面積,以變異數分析法進行統計分析。同時於第三天及第一、二、四週時,進行切片採樣,藉此觀察不同用藥處理對組織癒合之影響。 研究結果顯示,外敷中藥玉紅膏對於豬深度燙傷的創面癒合,在燙傷後第三週時較不敷藥與外敷西藥Silver sulfadiazine有顯著的促創面癒合作用。在組織病理觀察上外敷中藥玉紅膏有下列幾個特點:1.無顯著的促痂皮崩解作用;2.對燙傷創面後期癒合上,可以促進表皮再生的生長線位移,亦可促進過度增生的細胞趨於成熟化;3.對燙傷創面後期癒合上,可以降低纖維母細胞浸潤程度;4.在組織修復過程有顯著促進血管新生的作用;5.可以減輕燙傷創面的炎症反應。; For assessing and comparing the effect of Yu-Hong-Gao(玉紅膏) and western medicine on wound healing of deep degree burn, a deep degree porcine burn model with repeated Latin-square design experiment method was used. Three burns were inflicted on both the flanks of the three pigs used in the present study. These burn wounds were divided into a control group, a western medicine group and a Chinese medicine group. Rate of reepithelialization was calculated at 7, 14, 21, 28 postburn days. Full thickness biopsies were taken at 3,7,14 and 28 postburn days for histopathological evaluation. As a result, the rate of reepithelialization of burn wounds which were treated with Yu-Hong-Gao was significantly increased as compared to that of the control group as well as the western medicine group at 21 postburn days. Comparing the Yu-Hong-Gao-treated burns and Silver Sulfadiazine-treated burns, we concluded that 1.) Both Yu-Hong-Gao and Silver Sulfadiazine could not improve the disintegration of the crust; 2.) Yu-Hong-Gao could promote the epidermal regeneration at late phase of wound healing; 3.) Yu-Hong-Gao could reduce the degree of fibroblast infiltration at late phase of wound healing; 4.) Yu-Hong-Gao could enhance the neovascularization of the wounded area during the process of wound healing; 5.) Yu-Hong-Gao could the reaction of inflammation.