目的 本研究在探討自1990至1998年間,因癌症末期而住進安寧病房的病人,依傳統「中醫時間醫學」分類,分析不同的五行屬性癌症死亡比例與年天干、四季及二十四節氣的相關性。方法 木研究是採用回溯性長期追蹤研究法,以醫院病歷為主來收集病人的基木資料、死亡日期及罹患的癌症,共有2032位符合病例定義,將死亡日期以萬年曆換算加以分析。結果 統計分析病歷資料的結果發現,將各種患有臟器癌症末期患者分屬於疾病五行屬性後,發現五行屬性與年天干有統計上的顯著相關性(p<0.05)。結論 不同的五行屬性癌症末期患者的死亡比例與「中醫時間醫學」的年節律有其相關性。
Purpose. The aim of this study was to analyze the relationship between the mortality rate of end-stage cancer patients in hospice and circadian rhythm from 1990 to 1998. Methods. This was a retrospective longitudinal study. We collected the data in the hospice. A total of 2032 end-stage cancer patients were recruited. Results. The mortality rate of end-stage cancer patients in hospice correlated with the five-element pattern of the year (p<0.05). Conclusions. The five-element circadian rhythm of the year correlated with the mortality rate of end-stage cancer patients who had the same five-element character.