目的 對吸菸嘗試階段的青少年,透過菸害教育介入活動,加強青少年對菸害的認知,分析影響拒菸態度之改變。方法 本研究自台中市所有國中隨機取樣八所一年級學生為研究對象,經學校同意後選取四所國中為菸害教育介入活動之實驗組,共412人;另四所同質性國中為對照組,共440人。兩組分別進行前測,再提供「菸害小常識手冊」自修。兩週後為實驗組提供進一步兩小時菸害教育課程及有獎徵答,並針對兩組學生舉行後測,總共有778位學生完成所有問卷調查。結果 在菸害知識與拒菸態度之改善上,實驗組比對照組有較多的改善(0.18>012,p=0.039:0.25>0.17,p<0.001),顯示菸害教育介入活動有顯著效果。由逐步複迴歸分析結果發現,在控制相關干擾因素例如性別、家庭結構、父母吸菸行為、吸菸經驗、前測菸害知識、前測拒菸態度等,實驗組學生菸害知識及拒菸態度增加程度顯著高於對照組學生(β=1.203,p<0.001;β=1.21,p=0.027)。結論 舉辦菸害教育介入活動對於促進青少年在菸害相關知識及拒菸態度的改善程度上具有相當的成效。
Purpose. To evaluate the effectiveness of a smoking prevention program on the perception of and attitudes toward smoking in adolescents. Methods. First graders of eight randomly selected junior high schools in Taichung were recruited into two groups. A total of 412 students from four schools served as the experimental group and 440 students from the other four schools comprised the control group. All of the students received an educational brochure after completing a structured pre-intervention questionnaire to measure their knowledge of and attitudes toward smoking. After two weeks, an intervention program consisting of a two-hour lecture was provided to the experimental group only; then, each group completed the same post-intervention questionnaire. A total of 778 students completed the pre-and post-intervention questionnaires. Results. The results indicated that adolescents' knowledge of and attitudes toward smoking in the experimental group (0.18>0.12, p=0.039; 0.25>0.17, p<0.001) improved significantly after the intervention program. Furthermore, after controlling for possible confounding factors such as gender, family structure, smoking experience, and baseline knowledge and attitudes, adolescents' knowledge of and attitudes toward smoking in the experimental group still improved significantly more than those in the control group (β=1.203, p<0.001; β=l.21, p=0.027). Conclusion. The tobacco prevention education program improved adolescents' knowledge of and attitudes toward the hazards of cigarette smoking.