一種生物反應動力參數測定設備及方法,係包含一反應瓶供馴化後好氧性菌種植入,使該菌種進行期望之生物反應;一溫度控制單元可控制菌種之生物反應於一設定溫度值;一供氧系統可提供及量測菌種反應所需的攝氧量,該供氧系統所輸出的數據係一即時累積攝氧數據(Ouvs. t);同時藉由一攝氧率計算單元,依上述攝氧數據計算出反應瓶內的攝氧率(dOu/dt),該攝氧率計算單元所輸出的數據為一即時攝氧率數據(dOu /dt vs. Ou),最後由一生物反應動力參數計算單元依上述攝氧率數據(dOu/dt vs. Ou)計算出生物反應動力參數:一最大生長係數(Yg)、一最大比生長速率(μm)、一半飽和常數(Ks)與一衰減係數(kd),以及一初始基質濃度值 (So)與一初始微生物濃度值(Xo),藉以評估好氧性生物處理系統之反應動力特性。
This invention is relating to a novel apparatus and method for determining kinetic parameters for biological systems. The aerobic seed culture is first acclimated in a master reactor. The acclimated culture is then transferred to reaction vessels for kinetic tests. The novel unit consists of a temperature control unit and an oxygen supply system to determine oxygen uptake data and the corresponding times (Ou vs. t). By using a computation unit, on-line uptake rate data are calculated (dOu/dt vs. Ou), which are then used to estimate the four kinetic parameters: maximum growth rate (Yg), maximum specific growth rate ( m), half-velocity constant (Ks), and decay constant (kd). This allows for evaluating the kinetic characteristics of aerobic treatment systems.