From clinical study, partially molar edentulous restorations suffered more fractures than those of other implant restorations because of the overload condition resulted form large bite forces. This overload may endanger the bone/implant structure inducing marginal bone loss, reducing implant stability or even fracture of the implant as well as other components. In order to evaluate the biomechanical effect of implant-supported partial prostheses (ISPP), finite element analysis (FEA) and experimental strain gauge analysis (ESGA) were often used to evaluate the implant system. However, most of these studies employed simplified models, especially in terms of mandible geometry, to target the ISPP system. Even less studies compared or estimated the differences between FEA and ESGA in ISPP system. In this study, the ISPP system was evaluated by both ESGA and 3D FEA with better geometry in representing the mandible and the prosthetic crowns. The focus was the comparison of the strains pattern on the bone around the implants for these two approaches under two kinds of the occlusal loads.
13th International Conference on Mechanics in Medicine and Biolog