目的 運用巡迴輔導方式探討人員對病人安全的認知、態度、行爲及發掘病人安全相關議題。方法 自民國92年4月至12月,設計半結構式問卷,以巡迴輔導方式普查某醫學中心所有醫療單位,每單位隨機取樣二至三名,共高33個單位收案86名人員。結果 (一)認知:呈現中等程度反應,其中認爲如有領導階層介入,對病人安全有更進一步的提昇(97.9%)。(二)態度:呈負向反應,顯示對於發生錯誤或報告錯誤事件,非常在意個人後果及院方懲處(84.9%)。(三)行爲:呈負向反應,對於錯誤發生時不會報告的人員佔有41.9%。(四)病人安全認知、態度、行爲三者間呈正相關。安全相關議題以Vinces's歸納爲:1)作業流程佔49%;2)人員層面佔26%;3)行政管理佔16%;4)硬體儀器設備佔9%。結論 藉由巡迴輔導方式可瞭解人員對病人安全認知、態度與行爲,並找出醫療環境系統中的問題,以作爲提昇病人安全改善之依據。
Purpose. To analyze staff members' perception, attitude, and behavior toward patient safety concerns in the hospital, through a Walk-Around mechanism. Methods. The study was conducted from April to December 2003. A total of 86 staff members in 33 hospital deparments were interviewed. Semi-structured questionnaires with interviews were employed in the study. Results. Staff perception is a moderate factor affecting patients' safety. According to our results, we believe that patient safety could be improved by high participation of the supervisors (97.7%). Negative attitude affects staff's intention to report misconduct even when it occurs (84.9%). Staff’s behavior is negative to the consequences. Even though the staff is willing to participate in improving patient safety, they are still reluctant to report the incident because of uncertainty of the consequences (41.9). Perception, attitude and behavior are significantly corelated with each other. The misconduct events were categorized into operation procedure (49%), human error (26%), administration (16%), and equipment (9%) using Vincen's model. Conclusions. Through the Walk-Around approach, the staff's perception, attitude and behavior were better understood and the patients safety problems have been identified for future improvement.