1959年物理大師 Richard Feynman在加州理工學院的講題”There is plenty of room at bottom”,開啟了世人對奈米世界的想像與探索。民國92年起我國奈米國家型科技計畫即將正式展開,總投入經費將超過230億元新台幣。國科會科資中心在91年接受經濟部工業局委託辦理「奈米技術產業化推動計畫先期規劃與推動計畫」,在本案中針對未來五年國內發展奈米產業提出策略建議,研擬獎勵要項、籌劃奈米技術產業化推動工作小組的組織架構與執掌等等。此外,工業局深感為落實奈米技術產業化進而建立新興奈米產業,首重推廣奈米知識與技術於產業界,尤其是傳統產業。因此在本案中,也藉由9月24/25兩天於台北公務人力發展中心所舉辦的奈米技術產業化企業領袖高峰論壇,與緊接著於10月至11月於北中南所舉辦各兩場的奈米技術產業化研討會,落實將奈米知識與技術推廣於產業界,並為建構未來奈米新興產業注入活水。此外也藉由會議的舉辦,向產業界說明本計畫所進行的奈米技術產業化的規劃策略,諸如獎勵要項的研擬,基礎建設的建置與適合台灣發展與應用於傳統產業的奈米技術等等。總計,在本計畫中所有參與高峰論壇或研討會的各界菁英超過900人次,目標達成率為180%。本計畫並出版奈米技術與產業通識教材「競逐原子世界」,其內容更是涵蓋了奈米通識面、技術面與市場面等等。期望透過通識教材的發行與宣導,提供產業界在奈米技術的潮流裡能藉由不同的管道吸取奈米世界中所蘊藏的豐富知識。
The prophetic talk "There's Plenty of Room at the Bottom" by the Nobel Prize winning physicist Richard Feynman in 1959 initiated people's dream and exploration in the nano-world and US's "National Nanotechnology Initiative" proposed in 2000 further attracted world attention in this new field "nanotechnology". Starting from the year 2003, the "National Science and Technology Program on Nanoscience and Nanotechnology", with more than NT$23 billion government investment in the coming six years, will take off. This year (2002), commissioned by the Industrial Development Bureau under Ministry of Economic Affairs, the Science and Technology Information Center of National Science Council is in charge of the pre-planning of the "Commercialization of Nanotechnology Program". The content of this pre-planning project includes: suggestions to the development of Taiwanese nanotechnology industry in the coming five years; proposed methods of encouragement of nanotechnology commercialization; the design of the executive office of nanotechnology commercialization, etc. In addition, in order to promote commercialization of nanotechnology in Taiwanese industries, the "NanoFuture 2010" nanotechnology symposium was held in Taipei on September 24-25, 2002, followed by six seminars about the nanotechnology applications and commercialization held around the island in October and November. Through these seminars, the encouragement methods and the suggestions to the set-up of the infrastructures were also proposed and discussed. To further disseminate the knowledge about nanotechnology, STIC has edited a six-volume book about the commercialization of nanotechnology covering the general knowledge, the technical applications and the market perspective of nanotechnology. The goal is to provide another channel to the Taiwanese industries to absorb the diversified knowledge in the nano-world.