摘要: | 就目前衛生署對化妝品之全體品質與衛生標準而言,如微生物衛生標準尚未訂立,另化妝品可添加防腐防黴劑之範圍及用量標準,衛生署雖大至已有規範標準,惟其使用項目、限量與其他國家不盡相同,為因應WTO之運作,實有加以全面比較探討之必要。另依衛生署90年11月5日公告,化妝品之外包裝應標示所含成分名稱,於六個月後,即90年11月5日實施。見該公告規定成分名稱得以中文或英文標示,名稱參照INCI (International Cosmetic Ingredient Dictionary), USP Pharmacopeia, European Pharmacopiea等公定書,色素成分參照FDA之Color Index (CI)及EC Directive Annex IV。查中文成分名稱尚無一致化,且與各關公定書之對照,實有加以探討予以一致化並列出與英文名之對照,再者外包裝即使標示中文名,因其屬專有名詞,消費者亦無法了解其意義,而喪失標示全成分名稱,供消費者依成分而選擇其適合本身產品之原意,是故對上述成分之中文名予以統一。本計畫第一年擬制訂化妝品微生物基準,內容包括:(1)化妝品微生物限量基準之制訂。(2)化妝品微生物檢驗方法之制訂,包括生菌數及金黃色葡萄球菌、大腸菌、綠膿菌、沙門氏菌等病源菌及其他先進國家已制定有厭氧菌與產芽胞菌等之檢驗方法。(3)防腐防黴劑使用範圍及用量之制訂。另上述有關成分中文名之統一,並與英文名予以對照外,擬就各該成分,參考美國CTFA之The International Cosmetic Ingredient Dictionary,日本化妝品工業連合會之日本化妝品成分表示名稱事典等加列其來源、組成、性狀、特性、可調製產品類別及其他相關之資訊等提供業者遵循及消費者參考之必要性。計畫之第二年分別撰擬化妝品汎用成分788種之中文名一致化,內容包括:(1)化妝品常用成分之中文名一致化(2)化妝品常用成分之中文名、別名與INCI code 之對照(3)編訂化妝品常用成分其分類、特性及其所調製成之產品類別
Although the Department of Health (DOH) currently has the roughly standards for cosmetics quality and hygiene, because the using items, quantity limitation are different from countries, they have to be overall reviewed to confront the WTO operation. The unconcluded standards are such as ?HHHH?HHH?HH?HHmicrobiological limits?HHHH?HHHH and ?HHHH?HHH?HH?HHpreservatives and disinfectant?HHHH?HHHH which can be added in cosmetics. In addition, it is also necessary to unify the Chinese name of each ingredient on the outside package. For example, according to the DOH?HHHH?HHHHs announcement, the ingredient of cosmetics can be indicated either in Chinese or English referred to INCI (International Cosmetic Ingredient Dictionary), USP Pharmacopeia, European Pharmacopiea and so forth official document and the ingredients of pigment can be referred to FDA?HHHH?HHHHs color Index (CI) and EC Directive Annex IV, however, there is no unification for Chinese ingredient names and the integrated contrast table between English and Chinese. Even some of the outside packages indicated with the Chinese name but proper noun which is nonsense for customers, so it will also lose the original intention for the customers to choose the suitable products for themselves. In this project, the items we will establish as follows: First Year?HHHHX Establish Cosmetics Microorganism Standards 1.Establish the quantity limitation of cosmetics microorganism 2.Establish the testing methods of cosmetics microorganism which includes total counts, coliforms, staphylococcus aureus, salmonella, pseudomonas and so on. 3.Establish the usage ranges and limits of preservatives and disinfectant. Other than the name unification, we think it is essential to list the origins, components, properties, characteristics, products being added and related information for manufactures to obey and consumers to refer. The list can be consulted to The international Cosmetic Ingredient Dictionary, CTFA from USA or Cosmetic Ingredient Dictionary from Japan. Second Year?HHHHXCompose the Unification of 788 Chinese names of cosmetics common-used ingredients which includes: 1. Unification of Chinese names of cosmetics common-used ingredients. 2. Cosmetics common-used ingredients names, alias and their contrast of INCI code. 3. Edit the category, characteristics and products being added of cosmetics common-used. |