Committee on Chinese Medicine and Pharmacy, Department of Health started a project to set up a safe herbal drug environment in 2004. In order to share the achievement with the general public and enhance the suitability of the regulation, and elevate the understanding of the general practitioners, help the pharmaceutical companies to know the worldwide trend to promote their products overseas, CCMP sponsored this project. In order to facilitate the progress of the project, a seven member consultant committee was set up and a panel discussion on TCM related law and regulation was held on October 19, 2007 at CCMP office in Taipei. A total of 23 representatives from TCM communities participated and the recommendations were recorded in the minutes of the meeting. On March 8, 2008, symposium of “2004-2007 Promotion of Law and Regulation of Chinese Herbal Industry and Exposition of Drug Safety Project Achievement” was held at China Medical University in Taichung. Fourteen PIs of the projects were invited to present their results orally while the other 53 project PIs were invited to present their results in posters. Besides, we also invited speakers to address on new Chinese herbal drug, registration of herbal preparations, inspection of GMP facilities and processing of Chinese crude drugs. The Chinese and English abstracts of each project together with the powerpoint files of all oral speakers were compiled in the proceedings. A total of 525 people participated in the symposium. Through the questionnaire after the symposium, 85% of the participants satisfied with the CCMP’s efforts in setting up a safe herbal environment for the people.