In the 1995 version of PRC Pharmacopeia, a color Illustration of the crude drugs listed in the herbal pharmacopeia was published. The color illustrations were found to be very useful for the TCM practitioners. However, no color illustration for Taiwan Traditional Pharmacopeia is available. In 2008, a project had been sponsored to compile the color illustration. Since another 50 new items will be added in the upcoming revised edition of Taiwan Herbal Pharmacopeia, the content of the color illustration also needed to be updated. This project will base on the previous results and prepare the photos for the new added items and the missing photos from the previous work and compile the Illustration of Taiwan Herbal Pharmacopeia (Chinese Herbal Pharmacopeia). 500 copies will be printed. The printed books together with all files of the color photos and text will be submit to the Committee of Chinese Medicine and Pharmacy, Department of Health. We hope this color illustration will be helpful for the related Chinese Herbal practitioners.