摘要: | 民國92 年在SARS 疫情持續蔓延期間,政府通過SARS 方案研究計劃,其中並編列5000萬之預算,設立中醫藥學組,從事中醫藥之SARS 研究及教育訓練。本計劃全國中藥從業人員SARS 教育訓練研討會,以全國15,000 家中藥商及其從業人員為對象,其目的不在於教導如何用中藥治療SARS,而是給中藥商正確SARS 防疫知識,避免SARS 再流行時造成防疫之漏洞,各場研討會之議題經商訂包括下列六項:一、中醫藥防治SARS 對策與疫情管控二、SARS 之傳染途徑及症狀三、常見法定傳染病之傳染途徑及預防四、SARS 院內及社區感染管制五、從中醫藥觀點談SARS 預防治療六、中藥從業人員在防治SARS 及相關傳染病扮演之角色最後並安排綜合座談,達到交流之目的。自93 年11 月7 日起至93 年5 月16 日止,分別在台北、台中、高雄、屏東、台南、台東、花蓮、麻豆、新竹、台北五股、嘉義、及台北舉行13 場次研討會,共有全國各地中藥從業人員3,460 人參加,大部份參與研討會之中藥從業人員都感謝政府辦理此項研討會,也表示本研討會非常有幫助,也受益良多。雖然每場次主題大致雷同,唯為使講者與聽眾有較好之互動,各場次之研討會儘可能邀請在地之感染科醫師及防疫專家主講,部份縣市衛生局局長不但參加開幕式,也擔任講座,與中藥從業人員有很好之互動,達到醫藥政策宣導之目的。
This project was designated to provide SARS training courses for the national Chinese herbs practitioners. The courses were designed to provide Chinese herb practitioners a correct concept about the SARS rather than treating it, in case it reoccurs again. The topics covered in the courses include: 1) TCM SARS prevention strategy and disease surveillance. 2) Infectious pathways and symptoms of SARS. 3) The spreading and prevention of common communicable diseases. 4) SARS prevention and treatment from a traditional Chinese medicine physicians?? point of view. 5) Hospitals and communities isolation care of communicable diseases. 6) Chinese herbs practitioners?? role in the prevention of SARS and other communicable diseases. 7) General discussion session. From November 7, 2003, to May 16, 2004, a series of thirteen training courses had been held in Taipei, Taichung, Kaohsiung, Pingtung, Tainan, Taitung, Hualien, Matou, Hsinchu, Wuku. Chiayi and Taipei. A total of 3,460 herbal practitioners had participated the training courses. Most of the participants evaluated the courses to be helpful and rewarding. Even though the topics covered in each session were similar, in order to have a better resonance between the speakers and the audience, we invited speakers from local Health Bureau and hospitals. Many County Health Bureau Directors not only hosted the opening ceremony, they also shared a topic as speakers. |