摘要: | 中藥材在貯存加工過程中常發生蟲蛀、發霉或變色等質變現象,中藥業者因此常施以燻硫磺之加工,以保存藥材,唯燻硫磺後其硫磺或硫化物殘留量是否過量或危害人體,值得重視。 本研究自八十九年度開始調查台灣各地市售中藥材燻硫磺情形之現況,並實地訪察中藥材之燻硫磺加工,以中醫藥委員會所列優先管制之藥材為對象,加上中藥業者較常進行燻硫磺之藥材等,在台灣地區北、中、南各地收集藥材檢品各10個,目前已完成五十六種藥材硫磺煙燻殘留物檢驗。今年度則從中醫藥委員會擬公告列入藥品許可證管制之297種中藥材中,選擇未進行過檢測之山楂、川牛膝、五加皮、天麻、佛手、大黃、丹參、天門冬、木瓜、肉蓯蓉、牡丹皮、玄參、白豆蔻、白鮮皮、前胡、玉竹、白及、白芷、白茅根、白蘞、菊花、知母、芡實、廣防己、蒼朮、遠志、桃仁、淅貝母、黃芩、關木通等三十種藥材進行燻硫磺情況之調查及其硫磺殘留量檢測,並自釘燻硫磺廚櫃,比較不同儲藏條件對硫磺殘留量之影響,以瞭解目前國內常用藥材燻硫磺情況,並建議訂出合理之硫磺殘留量標準。另枸杞子加工常添加鹼粉以加速烘乾過程,惟所殘留之鹼粉是否過量而危害身體健康,擬一併探討,以為中藥藥政施政參考,進而提昇藥效及中藥品質,確保國人用藥安全。
Chinese crude drugs often suffer deterioration due to insect pest, mold or discolor. People often use sulfur fumigating methods to prevent and solve the problem. However, the sulfur residue remained in the crude drugs may do harm to the human health, therefore, a survey of the current situation of sulfur fumigating processing is necessary.This project started two years ago. We investigated the statue of sulfur fumigating processing in Taiwan. We visited the drug stores which practiced sulfur fumigating processing. Ten specimen of each of the crude drugs which were listed as priority for quality control and commonly fumigated with sulfur were collected from various part of Taiwan for sulfur residue examination. A total of 56 species had been studied.In the current year, another 30 species from the 297 control list will be chosen as follows: Crataegi Fructus, Cyathulae Radix, Acanthopanacis Cortex, Gastrodiae Rhizoma, Citri Sarcodactylis Fructus, Rhei Radix et Rhizoma, Salviae Radix, Asparagi Radix, Chaenomelis Fructus, Cistanches Herba, Moutan Cortex, Scrophulariae Radix, Amomi Rotundus Fructus, Dictamni Cortex, Peucedani Radix, Polygonati Odorati Rhizoma, Bletillae Pseudobulbus, Angelicae Dahuricae Radix, Imperatae Rhizoma, Ampelopsis Radix, Chrysanthemi Flos, Anemarrhenae Rhizoma, Euryales Semen, Aristolochiae Fangchi Radix, Atractylodis Rhizoma, Polygalae Cortexet Radix, Persicae Semen, Fritillariae Thunbergii Bulbus, Scutellariae Radix and Aristolochiae Manshuriensis CaulisThe analysis results will help us understand the current situation of the sulfur fumigating processing in Taiwan. A reasonable sulfur residue allowed amount will be installed. It will be helpful to the health authority to insure the safety of the crude drugs consumed.Additionally, it was told that sodium carbonate were often added during the drying process of fresh Lycii Fructus to facilitate the during process and brighten the color of the fruits. However, the sodium carbonate remain in the fruits may cause health hazard. Therefore the analysis of the sodium carbonate contents in Lycii Fructus on the markets will also be studied. |