摘要: | 本計畫進行常用六味藥材(附子、半夏、大黃、青蒿、旋覆花、射干)之小鼠口服LD50急性毒性及口服給藥28天之肝腎毒性。並進行對沙門氏菌 (Salmonella typhimurium) TA98、T100及TA1535菌株回復突變致變異性之Ames試驗及進行對HepG2、MDCK、NRK-52E三種細胞株的細胞毒性試驗(MTT test)。本研究以口服急性毒性試驗及28天亞急性毒性試驗探討常用六味藥材之動物肝腎毒性;並以MTT test、使用安姆氏試驗法(Ames test),用Salomonella typhimurum TA98、TA102、TA1535,以直接致突變劑NQNO(不需加S9 混合物) 與間接致突變劑B[a]P(需加S9 混合物)來測試中草藥樣本之抗致突變性。結果顯示,採樣自台灣北中南三家大盤中藥代理商之常用八種藥材中黑順片之小鼠口服LD50急性毒性劑量分別為10.62 g/kg、11.95 g/kg及9.76 g/kg,其餘藥材之小鼠口服LD50劑量均大於10.0 g/kg,顯示此七種藥材之口服LD50急性毒性甚低。並將此八種藥材以一般常用劑量口服給與小鼠,每天給藥一次,連續給28天後並未見有小鼠死亡及體重顯著變化,顯示此八種藥材在一般劑量下並未見有亞急性毒性。細胞試驗結果顯示不論藥材之水萃取物經直接,或經S9作用後對TA98、TA100及1535 之細菌回復突變菌數均無明顯增加,顯示附子、半夏、大黃、青蒿、旋覆花、射干,六味藥材之水萃取物對沙門菌回復突變之Ames試驗並不具有致變異性 (non genetic mutation in bacteria)。大黃、旋覆花、青蒿的水萃物在最高濃度(1 mg/ml)對HepG2造成細胞毒性,旋覆花在最高濃度(1 mg/ml)對MDCK造成細胞毒性,青蒿、大黃、射干、旋覆花在最高濃度(1 mg/ml)對NRK-52E造成細胞毒性。
The aims of this study were to investigate the oral 50% lethal toxicity and subacute toxicity for 28 administration of six species of common used Chinese Medicines (Aconiti Radix, Rhei Rhizoma, Pinelliae Rhizoma, Artemisiae Herba, Inulae Flos, Belamcandae Rhizoma) purchased from three dealer in TCM in mice, the Ames test in TA98、T100 and TA1535 cell lines and MTT test in HepG2, MDCK and NRK-52E cell lines. This study investigated the hepatoxicity and kidney toxicity of the eight species of common used Chinese Medicines by using oral 50% lethal toxicity and subacute toxicity in mice. We also investigated the anti-mutagenic effect of eight species of common used Chinese Medicines by using the NQNO and B[a]P mutagens to induce mutation in TA98、TA102、TA1535 cell lines (Ames test). The results shown that the oral 50% lethal toxicity of the eight species of common used Chinese Medicines purchased from three dealers in TCM are very low (>10 g/kg), except Aconiti radix which the oral 50% lethal dose was 10.62 g/kg、11.95 g/kg and 9.76 g/kg, respectively. The 28 days feeding toxicity of the eight species of common used Chinese Medicines under the common dosage was very low in mice. In the Ames test, the eight species of common used Chinese Medicines did not induce mutation in the TA98, TA100 and TA1535 cell line, and possessed non genetic mutation in bacteria. Rhei Rhizoma, Artemisiae Herba, Inulae Flos (1 mg/ml) could induce cell toxicity in HepG2,Artemisiae Herba (1 mg/ml) could induce cell toxicity in MDCK, Rhei Rhizoma, Artemisiae Herba, Inulae Flos, Belamcandae Rhizoma (1 mg/ml) could induce cell toxicity in NRK-52E。 |