摘要: | 傳染性可利查(Infectious coryza, IC),俗稱傳染性鼻炎,是由雞副嗜血桿菌所引起(Haemophilus paragallinarum),本病是一世界性傳染性的雞重要疾病.由於其發病率相當高,且多發生在成長中或產蛋雞群,造成死亡及產蛋率暴跌 (10-40%)的嚴重損失,對雞農造成的損失很大.本病僅感染雞,公共衛生上毫無影響,但為台灣細菌性禽病中最為困擾的問題之一.目前非活化性疫苗與抗生素雖廣為使用,但其控制效果仍然有限.由於疫苗製備的過程中,菌株之生長環境與其表面抗原的表現量及種類有密切的關係,因此增加了疫苗製備的困難.以高抗原性的毒力因子(high antigenic virulent factors)或再將其添加於非活化疫苗中,可提高疫苗的免疫效果.並且由於H. paragallinarum各血清型之間沒有交叉保護作用,混合各血清型中具代表性的高抗原性的毒力因子組成疫苗,可以減少疫苗製備的成本並提高免疫效果.因此,本計畫將篩選在台灣流行且毒力較強的菌株H. paragallinarum serotype C strain的高抗原性毒力因子,找出此菌之毒力因子並進而改善現有疫苗的免疫效果.
Infectious coryza, an acute upper respiratory tract disease of chickens, is caused by the bacterium Haemophilus paragallinarum. This disease is of worldwide economic significance and affects both broiler and layer flocks, manifesting primarily as a drop in egg production (10-40%) in layer flocks and retardation of growth. The chicken is the natural host of H. paragallinarum, and it is the one of the most serious bacterial infection in poultry. Even though the inactivated vaccines and antibiotics are wildly used to treat or prevent an outbreak of this disease, neither of them is effective. The difficulty of preparation inactivated vaccines is that many different factors, mainly growth conditions, appear to influence the expression of the antigens of H. paragallinarum. Thus, by adding high antigenic virulent factors to the inactivated H. paragallinarum vaccines would improve the efficiency of the vaccines now used. Since there is no cross protection between different H. paragallinarum serotypes, mixing those major high antigenic virulent factors from different serotypes would elicit a strong immune response and decrease the cost of vaccine preparation. High antigenic virulent factors identified from H. paragallinarum serotype C, the most popular and strongest virulent strain in Taiwan, will be added to the inactivated vaccine now used to improve the efficiency of protecting chicken from infectious coryza. |