本研究之子計畫一係針對氣候變遷對台灣生物多樣性的衝擊評析及因應對策,其研究內容係涵蓋(1)蒐集近百年來台灣生物多樣性受氣候變遷的影響,是否因氣候變化產生物多樣性之增加或銳減;(2)尋找氣候變遷對生物衝擊最敏感的生物,尋找出指標性動物、植物、昆蟲、菌類或地衣等;(3)瞭解是否因氣候變遷導致生物種之變異,並尋求其變異之機制;(4)針對台灣固有種生物(含植物及動物)以進行分子親緣關係的研究以瞭解此關係與氣候變遷之關係。研究內容涵蓋蘭科植物、入侵植物之分子親緣關係,以及陸生腳類湖水虱屬(Ligidium)之物種歧異度及特有性,並以分子技術利用3 段mt DNA 中12S rRNA、16S rRNA、COI 以進行湖水虱屬之親緣關係,以瞭解台灣氣候、森林生態與底質分佈變遷之指標物種。其中分子指紋之微衛星分子標記提供估算族群異型基因合子和遺傳變異以及族群遺傳分化程度,在面對物種受環境變遷衝擊之保育遺傳中,分離及利用微衛星指紋已成為主流之一。在氣候變遷對大型真菌垂直分佈的影響方面,並希望達成下述五項工作目標。(一)初步建立指標性真菌在台灣山區的垂直分佈研究模式。(二)檢驗科博館二十年蒐藏指標性真菌在台灣山區垂直分佈資料之正確性。(三)調查指標性真菌在台灣中部山區的垂直分佈及數量。(四)檢測指標性真菌核酸序列,探討種內分化之可能性。(五)分析真菌因氣候變遷所致垂直分佈改變的模式及改變的機制,並探討這些改變對生態系或其他生物所可能產生的影響。
The sub-project I of this integrated study is aiming at the impact and vulnerability assessment of climatic change on biodiversity of Taiwan and the strategy of response. We will focus on the following assessments: (1) to collect information of biodiversity change as affected by climate change during the last century, (2) to search the information of most vulnerable living organisms or bioindicators as affects by the climatic change during the last century, (3) to elucidate the mechanism of the biodiversity change as affected by the climatic change, in particular to the variability of bioindicator organisms, (4) to find our the phylogeny of endemic and invasive organisms as affected by climatic change. In addition, we will focus on some species of endemism, such as terrestrial isopod genes Ligidium, based on three mt DNA gene segments: 12 SrRNA, 16SrRNA and COI and their morphological characters. The island Taiwan can have the highest diversity of Ligidium in the world after complete survey. The molecular study of Taiwanese Ligidium species will increase our understanding the impact of climate change on this vulnerable organism. Furthermore, we also like to explore the possible mechanism of invasive organisms to Taiwan whether or not the invasives are affected by the climate change. The Microsatellite of molecular fingerprinting could investigate the heterozygosity of population, genetic diversity, and level of genetic evolution. Then the isolation and using microsatellite is the main stream of investigating the impact of environmental change for conservation genetics.This project is presented for investigating influence of climate change on larger fungi, with expectation in achieving five main study categories as following. (1) Preliminary establishment of the study model for their altitudinal distribution of the indicative fungal species. (2) To examine accuracy of information in regard to altitudinal distribution of the specimens of indicative fungal species, deposited in the herbarium of National Museum of Natural Science of ROC. (3) To investigate altitudinal distribution and abundance of the indicative fungal species from mountains of middle Taiwan. (4) To detect DNA sequences of indicative fungal species, in order to reveal the possibility of existence of infraspecific variation. (5) To analyze and try to find the model of their variation in altitudinal distribution of the fungal species, and the mechanism, caused by climate change; and to discuss the possible influence on ecosystems and other organisms due to the change caused by the fungi.