摘要: | 高屏地區道路移動源TSP排放量為7,210 公噸 /年 (佔台灣地區移動源 TSP 排放比例約 16.5%),其中汽油車、機車及柴油車排放量依序為1,904、1,585 及3,429 公噸/年,貢獻比例分別為26.4、 22 及 47.6 %。高屏地區道路移動源 PM10 排放量為5,680 公噸 / 年,汽油車、機車及柴油車排放量依序為1,119、1,127及3,141 公噸 /年,貢獻比例分別為 19.7、19.8及55.3 %。依六部輕型柴油貨車動力計FTP-75行駛型態測試結果顯示,排放係數約為0.115 0.071 g/km,車輛間粒狀物排放差異可達 6 倍左右,而PM2.5之排放比例約為粒狀物之79%,此結果顯示輕型柴油貨車廢氣排放所產生之微粒以細小微粒為主。PM2.5粒狀物排放組成主要以碳成分為主,ICP分析元素成分以Na、 Al、 K、 Fe、 Ca濃度較高,其次成分偏高為Cr、 Ni、 Zn、 Ba。 Na、 Al。 Cr、 Ni、 Zn金屬成分除部份來自柴油組成外,主要應來自引擎耗損所產生。 IC分析之離子成分主要為 SO42-、 NO3-、 NH4+,主要為柴油燃料及燃燒程序生成。本計畫除執行柴油車粒狀物排氣特性分析外,亦針對微粒人工採樣與自動監測進行比對分析。濾紙採樣法是常用的微粒採樣方法。然而,濾紙採樣法存在一些採樣上的缺點,包括:無法提供即時的數據、需要長時間的採樣、採樣期間樣品的污染問題和較高的人力成本等。因此,懸浮微粒連續自動監測器也被評估和發展來測量不同狀況下的微粒濃度。本計畫利用自動儀器監測大氣懸浮微粒濃度,監測數據並和濾紙採樣法進行比較。實驗結果顯示,濾紙採樣法 PM10 濃度範圍介於 34~116 g /m3 之間,自動儀器平均 PM10濃度範圍介於 53~178 g/m3 之間。 PM2.5/PM10的濃度比值約在0.73~0.91 之間。研究發現當環境溼度升高時 PM10/PM2.5 濃度測值亦有升高趨勢。由客運車站附近 PM2.5 濃度隨時間變化情形,發現懸浮微粒濃度可能會受到公車流量及公車停靠時間的影響。本計畫於不同時期進行濾紙採樣法與自動儀器 PM10 濃度的平行採樣,結果發現自動儀器所得懸浮微粒濃度高於濾紙採樣法,線性迴歸斜率為 0.55。造成差異的原因可能為:採樣系統、相對濕度、親水性微粒等。
• 英文摘要 In Kao-ping area, 7210 ton/year of TSP (total suspension particle) was attributed from motor vehicles, and the TSP emission amount of this area was around 16.5 % of that in Taiwan. Comparing the TSP contributions between different motor vehicles in Kao-ping area, the TSP emitted from gasoline vehicles, motorcycles, and diesel vehicles were 1,904, 1,585 and 3,429 ton/year, namely 26.4, 22 and 47.6 % with proportion to total emission (7210 ton/year), respectively. Furthermore, PM10 emitted from Kao-ping area was 5,680 ton/year, for which gasoline vehicles, motorcycles, and diesel vehicles contributed 1,119, 1,127 and 3,141 ton/year, namely 19.7, 19.8 and 55.3 % with proportion to total PM10 emission (5,680 ton/year), respectively. As pointed in above, the fine particle occupied the most portion of TSP emission in Kao-ping area, thus a thorough investigation must be conducted for their emission factor and compositions. According to the results of dynamometer (FTP-75) tests on light duty diesel vehicles, the particle emission factor was 0.115 0.071 mg/km. The mass ratio PM2.5/PM was about 0.79 that indicated the particle size of diesel exhaust is major as fine particle. The compositions of PM2.5 particle were chemically identified to organic carbon, elemental carbon, Na, Al, K, Fe, Ca, Cr, Ni, Zn, SO42-, NO3-, and NH4+. Carbon is emitted from the incomplete combustion of fuel. Cr, Ni, and Zn could be emitted from the wear and tear of engine.SO42-, NO3-, and NH4+ are emitted from the fuel and air combustion. The filter sampling method is the common method used to collect airborne particulate matter. However, the disadvantages of the filter sampling method include: not real-time information, long sampling time, sampling contamination and relatively expensive cost. Thus, real-time particle monitors have been also developed and evaluated to measure particulate concentrations at the different situations. This study has investigated ambient particle concentrations using automatic monitor, and the monitoring data were compared with the filter sampling method. Experimental results show that the concentration of PM10 with the filter sampling method ranges from 34 to 116 g/m 3, and it lies between 53 and 178 g/m for the automatic monitor. The ratios of PM2.5/PM10 was found to be 0.73~0.91. In addition, the concentrations of PM10/PM2.5 have the tendency to rise as the relative humidity increases. The experimental result of the PM2.5 concentration near the traffic station found that the particle concentration may be influenced by the bus flow and the stop time of the bus. |