依衛生署民國88年6月所出版之中醫典籍資料,與歷代中醫典籍中有專章論述痹證相關病症的內科叢書數十本為藍本,整理中醫古典醫籍中與現代醫學類風濕性關節炎有關之內容,依書籍的年代先後順序排列,並依照病名、病因、診斷(包括現代醫學的診斷標準及中醫的診斷標準)、治療(包括現代醫學的治療現況,中醫則包含方藥與針灸)、與醫案等方面歸類整理,並作綜述性的結論。 這項研究計劃的成果,將提供醫療相關研究人員及臨床中、西醫師,能在最短的時間內,對現代醫學所述之類風濕性關節炎和傳統中醫對痹證相關證候之診治有梗概的認識;在臨床運用上,由於中西醫診治的方法不同,可互相取法之處甚多,因此可溝通中西醫學有關類風濕性關節炎的相關症狀,並且提供作為中醫學術活動之再教育教材,及配合網路提供各界參考利用。
According to several Traditional Chinese Medicine(T.C.M.) literature and 65 books records from CCMP publication in 1999 and several internal medicine books of T.C.M., we select discribtion about Bi-Syndrome(???Hg). We re-arranged both in T.C.M. and modern medical literature about the sign and symptoms , etiology , diagnosis(include modern medical science diagnosis criteria and T.C.M. science) , therapy(include modern medical science and T.C.M. prescription , acupuncture moxibustion, and so on) of Rhumatoid Arthritis(R.A.). We will summarize this contents in the beginning of every chapter. The result of this research will provide hospital staffs and clinical doctor have an idea about R.A. both in modern medical science and T.C.M. Although there are different diagnosis methods apply to modern medical science and T.C.M. , we can share the advantages and disadvantages to each other. We can provide the materials for teaching course in T.C.M.??s learning activities and internet.