In this study , we want to establish an evaluation regulatinon handbook of acupuncture/moxibustiion and traumatologic care of Chinese medicine in global budget system of NHI. This handbook will based on CCMP projects which combined acupunture and traumatologic care treatment reference reports in 2001. It will be discussed in the committee of every local TCM doctor?As association ,and this handbook will tell all the T.C.M. doctors how to avoid the deletion of the money from the regulation committee of the every local TCM doctor?As association. It will give some rules for all the examination Dr?As to follow , and ensure the medical quality in acupuncture and traumatologic care of T.C.M. OPD. We will give some examples to let the T.C.M. Drs. know what kind of errors should be avoided. keywords?Gevaluation principles of Chinese medicine in global budget , acupuncture , traumatologic care