摘要: | 糖尿病一種慢性疾病, 由於指胰島素分必泌不足或功效受障礙,引起的代謝異常狀態,血液內的葡萄糖不能轉化為能量,血糖昇高、尿中含糖,可引致尿多、口渴、疲勞、體重減輕、傷口不易癒合、下部發癢、視力模糊等。飢餓吃多、口渴喝多、尿多、以及疲勞、視力模糊、體重減輕或傷口不易癒合等症狀。糖尿病是一種很常見的慢性病,也可以說一種文明病,一種全身侵犯性疾病,一直被列為中西醫的大症,糖尿病及其併發症、醫謢工作等所耗費的社會醫療成本非常大。中醫認為糖尿病屬於消渴範圍,消渴證以口渴多飲,多食而瘦,尿多而甜為主要表現的脾系疾病。為素體陰虛,復因情志失調、飲食不節、勞倦太過,以致肺胃腎熱灼傷陰,津少火盛,水穀轉輸失調而成。又有分三消(上消、中消、下消),口渴引飲為上消;善食易饑為中消;飲一漫一為下消,統稱消渴。消渴包括糖尿病及非糖尿病諸複雜病證,並不能將二者畫上等號,亦有消癉命名,本彙編工作以糖尿病的消渴為主題,中醫藥知識為吾國幾千年來歷代先賢累積下來的寶貴經驗和理論知識,是臨床的寶庫,也是研究的珍貴資料,但中醫典籍源遠流長,汗牛充棟,面對中醫典籍這龐大的資料庫,過去人工查尋研究方式,絕不可能完成,必須藉用電腦可儲存巨大文獻資料,快速的搜尋功能,來查尋、歸納、整理、分析研究,較有正確的結果,才能開創中醫典籍電腦分析的研究新領域,開創中醫電子書(TCM-e-BOOK) 的時代。本彙編工作從(1)歷代中醫典籍、(2)現代研究文獻、(3)相關專書著作,名老中醫臨床專著等來探查消渴的中醫證治。 (一) 歷代中醫典籍一、 從七百多本中醫典籍中,以消渴、三消、消癉為章節名專題論述者,全部查出來。刪除非糖尿病的內容,斷句、校對、更正錯字。二、 依各書出書的年代,重新排列。三、 全文內容依照病名、病因(含病機)、證候、脈象、辨證、診斷、治療、治則、方劑(方名、出典、功效、組成、用法、禁忌、方義) 、針灸、醫案、其它(預後、食療、保健、護理、導引等)等分欄,各別單獨立行,明顯易閱。四、 依照上述分欄,再分為(1)病因(含病機)、(2)診斷(含證候、脈象、辨證)、(3)治療(含治則)、(4)方劑、(5)針灸、(6)醫案、(7)其它。共七個主題,分別割文取出,每一個主題下的每一書章節,各為一個單獨研究分析的樣本。 (二) 現代研究中醫治療消渴、糖尿病的論文 有關消渴的論文有七百篇、糖尿病的論文有四千篇。就論文的研究成果,精華內容,摘錄下來,做分類、比較、綜合分析、古今比較討論, (三) 蒐集近代有關消渴中醫專書,及一百多本全國著名老中醫臨床經專著,選錄,整理。將上述三系統所彙集得到的資料,分別格式化,分別匯入中醫藥典籍電腦分析程式,就其內容,分類、歸納、統計、分析,得到各類主題的結果數據,務實來做典籍文獻彙編整理研究的工作,搜集提出古今諸名家有關消渴的論述,融合彙編,典籍文獻整理,使中醫治療消渴(糖尿病)更科學、更有效。本資料將來可上網查詢相關資料及編印專書,作為上課輔助教材、中醫師進修教材,供臨床應用查詢。有利於醫師、研究人員做更深入的專題研究,開拓一個博古通今的研究新領域,後學者、病人參考,收益良多。將來,在本彙編資料的基礎上,分別就單一主題,如病因、證候類型、治療方法、方劑、用藥、或如糖尿病性瘡瘍中醫療法之探討,做更深入的典籍文獻分析研究。在廣泛收集相關研究文獻的基礎上,綜匯系統整理、電腦分析,去蕪存菁、選取古今臨床醫家於中醫臨證確有裨益之經驗,以資臨床實用藉鑑,又有消渴研究的具體驗例,可供深入研究參考。
Diabetes Mellitus (DM) is a chronic metabolic disease. It is caused by deficiency of insulin, or failure to convert sugar into energy for storage, resulting in high blood glucose, and sugar in the urine. Symptoms of DM are (1) frequent urination and easily getting thirsty, (2) easy fatigue and weight loss, (3) itchiness, especially of under parts, (4) poor wound healing, (5) sight misty, blindness, etc. Many patients have no symptoms and are only found to have DM during health checks. The diabetes is one kind of very familiar chronic disease, can also say the disease of a kinds of civilizations, disease of a kinds of whole body invasions, always is listed as in the social cost of medical treatment, the disease has drawn much attention of doctors both western and Traditional Chinese medicine, in each time and through lone time of clinical observation and practice. The Chinese medicine thinks that the diabetes belong to the scope of eliminated thirst symptoms (xiao ke), and the symptoms is thirsty to much drink, many food but lose, urine much but sweet. The relative disease of diabetes is xiao ke, again there is three xiao, know together, which also divided into 3 kinds symptoms, as upper xiao, middle xiao, and down xiao. The xiao ke includes the diabetes and not diabetes other complicated diseases. It can't will two draw all same terminology both for TCM and modern western medicine. This edit collected materials the work with the eliminated thirsty (xiao ke) as diabetes for the topic. In ancient Chinese medicinal books had many precious clinical records, but there are very rare research done in this classic field. Study on the ancient Chinese medicinal books is very important way to open the accumulated knowledge from old generations, but the great amount of books and difficult Chinese medicinal terminology make this classic textual research become a great hard work. Recently, both Taiwan and China had published the computerized Chinese medicinal books, there are more than 752 books and more than two hundred million words have been finished, the time of TCM-e-BOOK coming. This edits collected materials work divided into the following methods: 1. In the TCM-e-Books, 752 books, we searched and got there are more than one hundred books had special chapter discuss the subject xiao ke, all look it up. We delete not diabetic contents, break the sentence, check, and make correction the misprint. 2. Pay the age of the book according to each book, and afresh arrange. 3. We separated contents of full text according to the characteristic phases as occurrence, causes of disease, mechanism, and syndrome differentiation. Diagnosis, treatment, prescription, acupuncture, other (after preparing, food cure, health care, nursing, etc.), separate and single and independent line, obviously easy for reading. 4. According to the above column, it is divided into seven topic, and each topic descend each a chapter of book, for the sample that an alone study analytic. 5. The papers related to xao ke and diabetes treated with Chinese medicine on science journal, there are six hundreds papers for xiao ke and four thousand papers for diabetes. 6. Collection the special or designated subject books related to xiao ke, clinical records of famous Chinese medical physicians. Compare and coordinate the items Get above data, remit the computer using our Chinese medical literature analysis software to analyze the program respectively, its contents, divide into section, induce, covariance, analyze, and get the data of result of various topic. This collection open the way to study many precious clinical records in the ancient Chinese medicinal books. Many scholars and physicians will have the enough information to advanced study; it will develop a new research field and good result in future. |