According to a new World Health Organization (WHO) strategy "WHO TRADITIONAL MEDICINE STRATEGY 2002-2005"lanched in 2002, it promoted that countries must integrate TCM into their national existing health care systems. Evidence-based Medicine was also expanded into all health care system. A new concept, evidence based healthcare (EBHC) has certain effect on the payment of national health insurance. EBM and EBHM are thought as new type to substitute for traditional medicine that was based on authority. It not only depended on randomize controlled trial (RCT) and a series of systematic review (SR), but also contain the collection and propagation of information. So, evidence cover clinical practice with research based. The purpose of this study is that previous research model of acupuncture's curative effect is applied to collect and categorize the papers in the curative effect of internal medical disease treated with Chinese herb. The higher score of appraisal index will be selected to proceed systematic review that can provide evidence-based curative effect of Chinese herb in internal medical disease, and have clinical physician applying and knowing the new information of research in Chinese Herb. This study will also provide to government to refer to make decision on healthcare. Evidence in scientific research, expertise of physician and value of patient were considered in decision model of evidence-based medicine. That is a concept and also an attitude. The Traditional Chinese Medicine face to this new medical tide. We must have an active attitude and to catch up with the new fashion of medicine.